Real Estate


Buying a Property 

Purchasing a property is not just about choosing a suitable location or design; it’s a significant financial commitment that demands meticulous legal oversight. The legal landscape in Mexico is governed by a set of formalistic protocols. Therefore, engaging a knowledgeable lawyer to safeguard your interests during property transactions is essential. While you might be accustomed to the property closing procedures in your native country, it’s important to understand and respect the nuances of how such processes unfold in Mexico. Trust those who have experienced it: Mexico possesses its unique methods and practices in handling real estate matters.

However, it’s important to approach any investment with careful consideration and due diligence. Contact our office to receive professional feedback from our local experts, and understand the specific regulations and legalities of property ownership in Mexico. By making informed decisions, you can capitalize on the current advantages offered by Mexico’s real estate market.


Navigating the intricate steps leading up to a property transaction can be daunting, which is why we are dedicated to managing all pre-closing responsibilities for you. Whether it’s representing you directly or offering guidance throughout, we’re there every step of the way. 

From the inception of a property’s purchase or sale, our paramount concern is to extend unwavering support, ensuring that every legal aspect of your real estate transaction is handled with utmost precision. A comprehensive due diligence process is crucial, particularly when tracing the chain of title before finalizing a purchase. Furthermore, it’s essential to have a thoroughly reviewed promissory purchase and sale agreement in place. This agreement, which should be mutually negotiated and accepted by all involved parties, must be signed prior to making any form of initial payment or deposit. This is a step we emphasize to ensure that your financial and legal interests remain protected.


Bank Trust 

In Mexico, the term “Fideicomiso” might be unfamiliar to many, but it is essentially a bank trust. This financial arrangement is a requisite for foreigners looking to acquire residential property in areas demarcated as the restricted zone.

Per the guidelines outlined in Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution, there are specific limitations for foreign property ownership. Foreigners are not permitted to own property directly within 50 kilometers of the coastline or 100 kilometers from the national borders. These regions constitute what is known as the ‘restricted zone.’

However, the fideicomiso provides a solution to this limitation. Under this setup, a Mexican bank of your choosing steps in to make the purchase on your behalf. While the bank acts as the “trustee”, or the official owner on paper, the foreigner becomes the beneficiary. As the beneficiary, the foreigner retains comprehensive rights over the property. This includes, but isn’t limited to, renovating the property, leasing it out, transferring ownership to heirs, or selling it whenever desired.

Engaging in such a transaction requires a thorough understanding of its intricacies. It’s of utmost importance to be aware of the benefits, potential alternatives, and the broader implications of initiating a fideicomiso. For this reason, seeking the counsel of a well-informed lawyer is highly recommended.

To facilitate a smooth and informed transition, we provide both English and Spanish-speaking attorneys. They are dedicated to assisting you at each phase of the legal process, ensuring clarity and confidence in your property buying project in Mexico.